Dora and Robin Bostater

Dora and Robin Bostater operate Kaizen SCUBA in Santa Fe, New Mexico where they field a lot of questions about diving in the desert. While they came to scuba from radically different paths, they share a deep love of both teaching and learning.

Dora learned to dive in inland Texas as a teen.  After going to college on a music scholarship, Dora studied audiology and deaf education in college and graduate school and then spent a number of years teaching, among other things, martial arts and music. She worked in  as both a police officer and state police dispatcher before moving to New Mexico and working in scuba full time. 

Robin’s first experience with scuba was during a discover dive on family vacation to Hawaii as a teen. Robin had grown up on and in the water: swimming, skiing, sailing, canoeing, and boating – she took to scuba like a fish to water. Robin studied psychology and counseling in college and graduate school and spent a number of years working in education and curriculum develop with the American Red Cross as well as developing curricula for a number of martial arts systems.

Both Dora and Robin enjoy all kinds of inland and ocean diving as well as teaching scuba. They are always looking for the next level of their own training and further their training.

Dora and Robin Bostater
Regional Sales – SW